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Why Your Retail Clients Need Digital Signs in Their Business Strategies

Being a marketer in today's fast-paced climate sure keeps you busy, doesn't it?

Years ago, marketing consisted of only traditional methods. These included TV, radio, magazine ads, direct sales, and so on. Today, we call this "offline marketing." 

While offline marketing is still important, businesses are spending less and less on their strategies.

On the other hand, budgets for digital marketing are growing year over year

Digital marketing encompasses a wide range of methods. These include websites, blogs, social media, email, and any other marketing that uses digital technology. 

Some businesses welcome digital marketing with open arms. Others are dead set on sticking with traditional, offline means. 

The perfect balance of both? Digital signage. 

It's exactly what your clients need to add to their business strategies.

If you haven't considered pushing for digital signs or spoken to your clients about them, we're going to explain why you should.

What Is Digital Signage?

Digital signage is a broad term for a sub-category of electronic signs. Electronic signage is any sign illuminated by neon, fluorescent, or incandescent lighting. After the Internet proved it was here to stay, people started looking for ways to incorporate the technology into signage.

Hence, digital signage as we know it today was born. 

Digital signs use LED, LCD, and even projection to display images, videos, info -- any content. Most of the menu boards you see in restaurants or video screens in retail shops are LED. 

You may be thinking that you could never sell digital signage to your accountant clients. But you can! 

It's true you see digital signage used the most in the hospitality and retail industries. But any business can use -- and benefit -- from adding them to their marketing and business strategies. 

We're giving you 15 reasons your clients could -- and should -- use digital signs.  

1. They Attract Attention

Today, 6.6% of shoppers glance at offline marketing. But, 9.9% looked at static digital signage and another 11.7% were drawn to video sign boards.

These numbers may not make you jump out of your seat, but these will: the static percentage was an increase of 50% and video came in at a 77% increase. 

That means, there's a lot of eyes drawn to digital signs. And, there will only be more in the years to come. 

It's hard to walk down a busy city street today and not see a digital sign. You can't help but notice them. They're at bus stops, in shopping malls, even local municipal buildings have them. 

So, why doesn't your client?

Regardless of how big or small your client's business is, a digital sign will attract at least more potential customers. It's up to them to do what they do best -- seal the deal! 

2. Freedom

The freedom digital signs give your clients is immeasurable.

What digital marketing tools does your client already use? They likely have a blog and social media accounts.

Do they post video? Infographics? With digital signage, it doesn't matter.

Your clients have the freedom to post any content they feel moves the meter. Now, make sure you guide them into posting good content. Otherwise, they won't see any ROI.

First, it should be readable. That means using type fonts that are clear and legible -- so stay away from pretty script fonts.

It should also be eye-catching and innovative. This means using animation, video, photos, even social media posts.  

They can have ads, customer reviews, sales, and promotions displayed. As long as it adds value, it's good content.

3. Client Controlled

Not only does your client have the power to display any content they like, but they also have the power to control it. This means that if your client has a sale or promotion running during the weekend, they can change it with a few clicks come Monday. 

They're not waiting on a delivery driver or a printer. They control their content and when it's seen.

4. It's Cost-Effective

One of the first things your client will bring up during your discussion of digital signs is the cost, and rightfully so. They're in business to make money, not lose it. 

Yes, there will be an initial outlay. But, digital signage has come a long way in terms of being cost-effective. You'll find they're actually very affordable

Depending on the signage provider, your client will have the option to buy or rent their sign. There are even companies that provide the technology or app and all your client needs is a TV

They'll pay a monthly fee for the service, but the power is back in their hands. They'll be able to choose which level of service fits their needs, thus, they're able to choose what fits their budget. 

Often overlooked is the amount of money companies spend on making decisions. Unless your client is a one-person show, there's a chain of command when it comes to deciding practically everything.

Going with digital signs over print takes away a lot of these extra hands. The design, production, and delivery of promotional posters is pricey. If your client's in an ever-changing industry it can be an ongoing chunk of the budget that can go elsewhere.

There's also proofing, updating, and installing the posters, too. How much time and money does your client actually spend every month on posters? Are you even including employees' salaries to do these tasks? 

The business process gets streamlined with digital signs. This leads to more production from your employees in areas where they're most needed -- like their actual jobs. 

5. There's No Down Time

Because of the ease of use and the dependability, there is little to no downtime involved. Compare that to your client ordering a printed promotional poster, waiting for the material to arrive, then installing it. 

That can take weeks. With digital signage, it takes minutes. 

Think about what your client uses now for offline marketing. Now think about what happens when there's a mistake.

How long does it take for the mistake to get fixed? How much money does your client lose because of it? Downtime costs every business big bucks. 

Removing the opportunity for these kinds of losses allows your client to do what they do best. They won't worry about cutting the timing too close because their shipment was held up due to inclement weather.

They don't have to go into panic mode because one of the printers broke down. They won't stress over a printer losing their order.

All they'll be is pleased because they can get their message out in front of the audience with fewer mistakes and headaches.

6. It's a Money Maker

Aside from the obvious money-making potential of more eyes seeing their brand, there are ways your clients can bring in revenue from their digital sign.

Because digital signs are a form of digital marketing, they can get monetized the same way. If your client has a website (and we're sure they do!) does it run ads? What about sponsorships or endorsement deals? 

Those can all get implemented into digital signage. Advertisers can run ads on your client's signage as they do on their site. This can get built into the cost of the ad package or be an add-on.

Either way, it's more revenue coming in from trusted and loyal advertisers. Help them implement this in a way where it's not "spammy" and their audience will be none the wiser they're actually watching ads.

7. It's an Interactive Tool

Think of the way McDonald's uses self-ordering kiosks. Can your client use the same type of interactive screen in their business? 

It can also act as a virtual salesperson. Of course, your client won't rely on this as the only ways to get orders, but, they can use it for when the sales staff is busy and can't break away to greet a customer that walks in the door. 

The video board can greet them and even ask how they can help. A touchscreen menu can offer the customer choices. From their answers, the interactive sale rep can point them in the right direction.

Or, it can record the answers so when a human rep breaks free, they know exactly what the waiting customer is looking for. With the technology available and on the horizon, the sky's the limit for video boards becoming fully interactive.

8. Gives Clients Versatility

Because of the freedom and control sign boards have, they're clearly versatile. They allow your client to offer more to their audience.

They can have longer versions of their TV commercials or even set up a funny fake talk show. They can run demos or how-to videos on their latest products. 

Best of all, your client can change them whenever they'd like. They're easy to maintain so if one form of content isn't working, they can switch to something else pretty quickly.

A digital sign is like a safety net for marketing and business strategies. If something doesn't work, it can easily get switched over to something that does.

9. It Can Go Anywhere

Not all digital signage is as a permanent fixture. There are mobile sign displays your clients can take to trade shows, conventions, or community events. 

Digital signage itself has gone mobile. It's on taxis, buses, and fleet vehicles. If there is space and a power source, it can host a digital sign.

10. Engages Customers

"Engagement" is one of the biggest buzzwords in marketing. Business owners want their employees engaged. The employees want to engage the customers.

There's some science behind it. Studies show if an employee feels engaged, they're more productive. This works like a domino effect.

An engaged employee will care more about their job and company they work for. This will project onto the customer. The customer will get a warm and fuzzy feeling. 

They're more likely to buy a product or service if they feel the company cares about them. One way to do this is to target the personal side of a company.

A video board used to display a company's story engages customers. So does displaying the company's staff. If customers feel connected to a business, they're more likely to buy!

11. Closes the Deal

No matter what industry your client is in, they want to close every deal in front of them. They know this isn't possible, but it's what they strive for.

Engaged customers are paying customers. As we mentioned above, engagement drives productivity and sales. 

Your client could feature last-minute deals or promotions that can help sweeten the pot. 

12. It's Eco-Friendly

Paper and plastic -- even recycled -- cause waste. Waste causes pollution, which we all know is bad for the environment. How much promotional material is your client going through every month?

They can cut that number down significantly with digital signage. Posters are temporary. Your client puts them up, takes them down, and throws them away. 

They get a new batch of posters the following month and lather, rinse, repeat. That takes a toll on Mother Nature. 

Digital signage has no waste, making it more eco-friendly -- and it's not even close!

Remember when we talked about cost? Energy savings is another benefit of digital signs. Energy Star says a 3' x 3' video wall saves $1,260 over the course of its lifetime over conventional signs!  

13. Impresses Customers

Of course, your client wants to wow their customers. Having digital signage does this. 

If a customer's blown away when they walk through the door, they're going to look favorably upon your client. This may evoke an increased level of trust or confidence. 

If the customer feels that your client is an authority in their industry, they're more likely to buy from them.

Remember the adage about looking good makes you feel good? The same premise works when a business has a big wow factor.

14. Video Is a Powerful Thing

YouTube is now the second-biggest search engine on the web. That's because people love video.

Your client needs to consider including video on their digital signs.

It doesn't have to be viral content and it likely wouldn't be anyway. But it should be original, unique, and engaging content. They'll take advantage of a popular medium and increases the chances of a bigger bottom line.

15. Competitors Have It

Keepin' up with the Joneses never got anyone very far. Unless, of course, you're talking about the business world.

Today, one business can set a trend that the rest of the industry follows. So it's expected that eventually, all companies in one space will have the same tools at their disposal.

Digital signage is now that trend.

But, not all signage is alike. With your help, your client's uniqueness and creativity will shine through.  

Add Digital Signage to Your Client's Business Strategies

We may live in a copycat world but no two businesses are exactly alike. There will always be something that separates your client from their competitors. 

When it comes to business strategies, every company has a digital marketing plan. How many companies have digital signage as a part of that plan?

Are you ready to add digital signage to your client's business strategy? Let us help. Contact us today and let's get started!


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